U.S. Navy Battleship vs. Modesitt Canoe
As we pass a Navy ship I look up in awe at its size and power. I would hate to come up against this thing in a fight. But then again, i would doubt that they could see Kerala, our canoe, from there anyway. Near the end of the boat I see two sailors waving at us. I wave back. Then they stand at full attention and salut us. Us! Their actions blow me away. We are just out here doing some canoeing and they were out there protecting my freedom and they were saluting us. It brings home to me that although this isn’t a unique trip-it is different. They make me feel special and different and honored. This has been a worthwhile trip. Respect can come in many forms and today it was the simple salute from two sailors. The feeling is wonderful.
As Kent and I near New Orleans the river traffic increases with more barges, more freighters; It is difficult for a little canoe to maneuver around freighters- and scary.