2015 Projected Flow for Poudre River Above Average
As of March 1, 2015 the Cache La Poudre River spring and summer flow is forecast to be at levels around 103% of average flows. This is according to the Colorado Water Supply Outlook Report issued by the US Department of Agriculture, Natural Resource Conservation Service (NRCS).
NRCS issues a monthly report from January to June every year that outlines snowpack levels, precipitation amounts, reservoir storage and stream flow forecasts for the different river basins in the State of Colorado. The Cache La Poudre River is a sub-basin of the larger South Platte River basin that covers most of northeast Colorado on the east side of the continental divide. Overall, the South Platte basin has seen 110% of median snowpack levels this past winter and has the highest on average stream flow forecasts for 2015 for each of its sub-basins (Cache La Poudre, Big Thompson, Boulder-St. Vrain, Clear Creek and Upper South Platte) compared to other basins in the State.
The streamflow forecast for the Cache La Poudre River comes as great news for recreation, as average to high snowpack levels translate to better water conditions. While there is still time for variations in the snowpack levels and ultimately spring and summer streamflows, above average numbers in March usually lead to very exciting peak levels in June and sustained water levels throughout the summer season. Another bit of good news from the report is that reservoir storage levels in the Cache La Poudre basin are also near or above average as well.
“We are very excited to see streamflow forecast near or above 100% of average for the Poudre River. Great water conditions are exciting for our staff and provide for an unforgettable rafting experience for our guests” says Ben Costello, Director of Fun for Mountain Whitewater.
“We are looking forward to another fantastic season and cannot wait to start taking our guests down this very special river.”
Whitewater rafting on Colorado’s only “Wild & Scenic River” is always a unique and memorable experience, but good water conditions make things even better. If a fast paced trip is what you seek, be sure to book your 2015 rafting trip in May or June for the most exciting water conditions. As long as we continue to see average snow fall amount in March and April (typically the best months for snow in Colorado), conditions for rafting on the Cache La Poudre River will be fantastic for the entire 2015 river season.
Follow this link to the Basin Outlook Report to read the entire report for yourself or to check on forecast conditions around the rest of our beautiful state.